Saturday 10 March 2007

Ahgr. So Sleepy.

This is what my room looks like at the moment. I need to clean it up -- we're having family to lunch tomorrow and the kiddies will want to rabbit around in here -- but I also have to make a large green poster for Tuesday, that I said I would have finished for Monday morning, and because of the aforesaid lunch I won't get it done tomorrow. Plus I haven't done my Sunday School prep yet. So I probably shouldn't be wasting my time blogging, but oh well.
Also, am very sleepy.
I'm obsessed with conversation lollies. The heart-shaped hard candy ones, that should say things like 'BE MINE' and tend to actually say things like 'DORE OU' or the amusingly antiquated 'FAX ME', often off-kilter and invariably upside down. If you can work out what they say at all; according to conversation lollies, the most romantic phrase in the English language is something along the lines of 'MMF SMURBLE'.
But this only adds to their charms. Every time I walk past the lolly shop I have to pick some up. I definitely mmf smurble them.

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