Saturday 31 March 2007

Blogging, Veeerrry Slloooowwlllly

So. I ate up all the fast internet. And then found that I really had quite a bit of uni stuff that I actually had to do, today, on the net. So I've been downloading one thing and going away and reading a story out of The Best of Will Eisner's The Spirit, and coming back and doing some uni stuff. It's working quite well.
Happily we should cycle back on to fast internet tonight sometime when the new month begins.
Other than that, our tickets to my cousins' school production of Les Miserables were dropped around. Which sounds like fun. I'm trying to read the book, but it's a pain. I'm stuck in the bit about Waterloo at the moment, so I'm not even very far in. But having finished it will be a triumph.
I bought Easter eggs for my Sunday School class yesterday. Far out. Easter eggs are expensive. I got most of them at the cheap shop, though, so it wasn't too bad. I don't know how my parents coped all these years.

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