Saturday, 5 May 2007

whew. it's over

So. After handing in art assignment yesterday, I finished off behaviour management and started printing out and putting together, only to discover I'd left my reference list on Grandma's computer. So, instead of wasting two hours going home and getting it and coming back, I wasted four hours putting it back together from in-text citations, often muttering things like "Barkley? Who on earth is Barkley? And where did I find him?" And the uni internet server went down. For an hour. So I couldn't access digitised readings I'd cited. And of course I had off-line copies of them - at home. Grr.

So after I handed that one in, I felt completely ready for something fun. So I went to see Tales from Earthsea at the Dendy - that's the new Studio Ghibli film, which unfortunately rates somewhere down in the Pom Poko doldrums for me. So disappointing, after Howl and Spirited Away. Not that it was bad - it just wasn't excellent. And I've read the books - I have a sneaking suspicion it's a lot less fun if you haven't. It didn't entirely make sense as it was.
But the ending wasn't entirely un-awesome.
Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well dun. im proud. steve and anita found a dead cat on ther front door step this morning. boys r happy iwth ther pressies.