Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Monkey on the lam

Tacos at the rellies last night. Tall cousin has got himself a Very Fine Hat. I checked out Stu's oral on 'The Picture of Dorian Grey' (snaps for using the word 'decadent' in the first twenty seconds) and we watched the Colbert Report and had a money fight (with, not about btw.)

As of last Thursday when I finished reading Eric, I've read every single one of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, from The Colour of Magic to Wintersmith. There's over thirty, so it feels like an achievement.

Also, random Sims skills are relevant to the real world: taking good screencaps and knowing about online file-hosting are both going to be very useful for my next assignment (a group presentation on digital stories.)


Anonymous said...

Reading every single one of the Discworld novels sounds like quite an achievement...

When I am dead, I hope it may be said: "His sins were scarlet, but his books were read."

- Hilaire Belloc

Alleliua said...

It won't change my life, but I will have laughed more...