Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Wet and Bedraggled

Aaargh. Between God's gift of rain, and the way the world seems to segue into slow motion whenever I'm in a hurry, today has not been a particularly fun day.

I forgot the one dollar bag of popcorn for my English presentation this morning - left it at home on the bedroom floor - so had to run (really, run) from uni to the shops a half hour before our presentation started and spend eight dollars on more. Because if I went to Woolies there was not a chance I was getting back in time, but Kernels was empty. As it happened, I made it back with five minutes grace. Phew.
Longest. Twenty-five. Minutes. Of my life.

Aaaand my umbrella broke. Because today God's gift of rain came wrapped in cyclonesque winds.

(Sorry. I was boring yesterday and today I've just complained. Promise I'll do better tomorrow.)

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