Sunday 19 August 2007

Sunday School Machinations

Sunday School meeting today. It was interesting. All the people there who were my age basically looked like they'd rather have that thing with the bamboo shoots and your fingernails done to them than be in any way helpful. (Okay, hyperbole.) Which makes me feel:
a) doubly determined to be useful and do Stuff, and
b) really daggy.

Also was disappointed that we only got to sing three verses of a hymn in the middle of the service this morning. It was "Come We That Love The Lord" (I think that's what it's called,) which has the chorus that starts "we're marching to Zion" and is awesome. By the end of three verses you're barely warmed up. But our pastor wanted the extra sermon time, and the sermon was really good, so, I mean, one can't have everything. Oh well.

The guy who runs some stuff at our church has got me doing a talking thing at their VBS meeting because I did wintery decorations for my home church's VBS last year, and they're doing an Arctic theme.

The assessment thing is starting to happen at uni. Bleargh.

Also, my grandparents are buying a car. Go figure.

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