Thursday, 1 November 2007

Catching Up

Well, I had a bit of a holiday from blogging, lazy me. But it just didn't seem like fun. Inspiration is a strange thing - sometimes I have it in buckets, other times not so much. And I'm terrified of the 'not so much' times - one of the reasons I'm not in a creative industry is that I can't abide the thought of building my life around inspiration only to one day, wake up with no ideas.

I enrolled for next semester's uni courses this morning, in an incredibly painful forty-five minute session in their online enrolment doover. I groaned, I wailed, I said "bugger." Not fun, kids.

My friends had a baby yesterday. Squee much? I went and bought him a book, and I'll probably mail it to them tomorrow, even though there is no way he'll be wanting to read it in the next two weeks before I get home and see them in person. It's a very cute book about puppy dogs. Also bought my littlest sister's Christmas pressie, but must be all shh on that front because it is a secret.

I'm hurriedly finishing this up now, because in about five minutes people will arrive to take me to Halloween at Movie World. Despite the fact that Halloween was actually yesterday. I'm sure it will be fun nonetheless. As far as I know, and despite my aunt's crazy schemes, we're not going costumed. Thank goodness.

Ooh, before I go, here be the cutest website in the world - the eLouai Doll Maker. I maded some dolls. It's addictive.

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