Thursday 8 November 2007


This is my two hundredth post, and I have nothing special for you at all.

I had an exam today, bleargh. One down, two to go. My hand hurts a bit, because I don't tend to write a thousand words in forty-five minutes very often. I don't *think* I've failed the subject, though. Which can only be a good thing.

I wrote the (not-really-a) word "xclooosiv" so many times today I think I've forgotten the actual, real-word spelling. Darn running jokes. But I shall never use it again for a while now, 'cause the joke be over, so that at least is probably nice for the English language, which I'm sure spends a lot of time with it's metaphorical ears bleeding. Or eyes, in this case, as I was typing.

Also I am obsessed with orange juice. Happens every so often.
And I clipped my fingernails reeeally short - like just short of bleeding - and painted them that's-not-black-it's-dark-purple.

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