Saturday 2 June 2007

mmm... lazy saturday

Spent today doing much of nothing in particular. Caught up on the week's taped television (on Lost, someone - Sawyer - finally asked the question I've been asking all season), discovered the word "contumely" from my Google page's word of the day (I like it for being a noun that ends in ly), never quite got around to painting my toenails, read some Ultimate X-Men, and generally gave my brain a holiday.
Tomorrow will get down to the serious business of cleaning my room. At the moment it's only River Tam walking in there - if you don't move elegantly, like a dancer, feeling your way, carefully placing the balls of your feet, you hear crunch and have broken something, or you slip on something, or you stub your toe. Which I can just about live with - I've tolerated it for the last fortnight or so. But today I needed to go out and had a one shoe bonanza. One runner, one sandshoe, two thongs (both left). I had two ballet flats, one for each foot even, but one was black and the other was gold and sparkly.
I am going to clean my room. And find all my shoes. And put them away.

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