Tuesday 11 September 2007

Today, of all days

Hmm. Today. Well, my alarm didn't go off this morning, but I made the seven o'clock train nonetheless, albeit without breakfast (I only just barely remembered shoes.) Luckily, the cafe at uni does yummy apple muffins, because I'm one of those people who needs breakfast.
Handed in maths games, and early indications are that I've done reasonably well on them.
Was zombie-like throughout the day, split a sushi lunchbox for lunch, drew a harlequin buccaneer instead of listening in the english lecture.
Came home, washed my face, went to tea at the cousins'. Which was nice. They-all were tired to, so we're having an early night.
I've got about two pages left in Thursbitch, which is what I'm reading right now. (It's kind of like Krispy Kreme donuts: underwhelming at first taste but compulsively addictive. Except not trashy.) I'm prolly going to finish it before I sleep. Next book is Lian Hearn's The Harsh Cry of the Heron, which I promised myself I wouldn't steal from my cousin 'till the midterm round of assessment was done. And now it is, so I have stolen it... hehe.

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