Sunday, 23 September 2007


The internet hates me. Aaargh.

The google "word of the day" is daiquiri. Which made me grin as I cannot but think of Nanny Ogg and her banananana dakrys from Terry Pratchett's Witches Abroad, which is a book I'm quite fond of.

Have spent the weekend engrossed in my English assignment. Let us say no more of that.
Time not spent engrossed in English has been spent in marvellous books. I'm about halfway into Neil Stephenson's Quicksilver, which is quite a feat as the book is about the size of two bricks. It's very good, spanning England, the Continent, and the Colonies, with people like Issaac Newton and Charles the Second running around.
I'm also about three-quarters of the way through After Dark, by Haruki Murakami, because I read all of his stuff I can get my hands on. It's compulsive reading, with that strange dichotomy of dreamlikeness and sensibility he does so well.
I finished The Man who was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton last week, not sure if I told you all about that one. Seriously awesome roller-coaster of a book and also hilarious. I like Chesterton's sense of humour :)

So. I'm being kidnapped this afternoon, so shall bid the farewell.

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