Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Sleepy Day

I spent most of today asleep, recovering from a busy weekend/beginning of week, and handing in my assignment. I think I did okay with that, by the way. Our display was killer, anyway.
Did fit in a trip to the library - I'm about a chapter from the end of Surprised by Joy and Les Miserables won't really go anywhere until I can give it my undivided attention, which pretty much means June, except then I'm supposed to write a VBS. But anyway, needed some books to read. So I picked up a couple of Tamora Pierce's books to re-read (am obsessed with young adult fiction, its so much better than most adult fiction) and one random novel, and put thirteen Terry Pratchetts on hold. I want to have read all the Discworlds.

'Pyromania is so often the handmaiden of innovation.'
So Yesterday, Scott Westerfield

Which is from the random novel, which was a perfectly good way to waste an afternoon.

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