Sunday, 25 March 2007

Bits and Pieces

So. Today.
Hooray! My room is clean! It was getting gross, and not the kind of picturesque gross you can photograph and blog about. Grandma needs to have guests more often so I have to clean it. (I know, Ms. Responsible aren't I.) Am gradually becoming reconciled to prep - at least it's a really good school. And I'm looking forward to learning what to do with a teacher-aide. At the moment I'm not really sure... all the prep classes in QLD have to have part-time teacher aides.
This morning my cousin gave me a chocolate frog. His Sunday School teacher belongs to the 'bribery and corruption' school of behaviour management, so he makes out like a bandit. My Sunday School students aren't that lucky... I wouldn't even let them have a sticker today. I keep saying, if you're good, you get a sticker. They weren't good, and they knew it, but they still expected their sticker. I'm so nasty, I know.

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