Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Indolence Lass
No one knows what to get me for my birthday. I don't know what to get me either, so I'm no help.
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Country Town
I had to drop out of a sims2 competition for the first time today, which makes me bad a bit. Because a commitment, no matter how trivial, is still a commitment, yes? But, obviously RL comes first. And I wasn't going to submit rubbish. And my comp was just too slow to get anything like enough of it done in time. So meh. Oh well.
Am slowly readjusting to there being people around me, all the time, which is probably a life skill.
Friday, 16 November 2007
she's baaaack...
Flew home yesterday, via Adelaide. The airport is new and shiny, but utterly boring and ultimately, bland. Yeah, not huge fun for a four-hour stopover. But did I mention I'm home now? *squee*
All the math and english and other bits and pieces are finished, bar maybe having to e-mail my English course convenor because - I got 39/40 for my English Unit of Work! Chances are, I complained about it somewhat here while I was writing it, but the hard work and grumbling seemed to pay off.
So today, I need to buy a pillow, and see my friends' baby, and get started on some pics for a sims2 competition I really don't want to have to drop out of. I love to-do lists like that.
Monday, 12 November 2007
Sleepy. Borked.
I've had an interesting day. The maths exam was kinda fun this morning, actually not scary, which was nice. Had cake after with a friend, and was feeling all nice and relaxed and lovely. But then I got on the net this afternoon, and it turns out someone I know is having drama. Which is a bad thing, and makes me feel all yuck. Oh well. Having rational, non-involved friends is a plus.
I think I might go to bed now, and try to sleep. It has been a long day.
Sunday, 11 November 2007
The Maths - it eats my brain...
My dad forwarded a link to the blog readability tester and lo:
Which deeply worries me, because doesn't that basically mean no one but me has a clue what I'm talking about? Either that or, if you are reading this, pat yourself on the back. You are a genius. (Reassuringly, my grandmother's blog is apparently also genius level. For a minute I got very suspicious that it automatically rates all blogs as genius, but it doesn't.)
In other news, my computer could not be freaking me out more if it suddenly grew legs and started dancing the cancan.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Hi. Bye.
Friday, 9 November 2007
Laundry, Hearing Voices
My conscience has a voice now. Whenever I subconsciously feel I'm doing something particularly foolish, I hear my ringtone. That sounds weird. I shall explain. My ringtone is my cousins, calling my name in a sing-songy, impatient manner. I can hear them calling me, and they are now the voice of my conscience.
Thursday, 8 November 2007
I had an exam today, bleargh. One down, two to go. My hand hurts a bit, because I don't tend to write a thousand words in forty-five minutes very often. I don't *think* I've failed the subject, though. Which can only be a good thing.
I wrote the (not-really-a) word "xclooosiv" so many times today I think I've forgotten the actual, real-word spelling. Darn running jokes. But I shall never use it again for a while now, 'cause the joke be over, so that at least is probably nice for the English language, which I'm sure spends a lot of time with it's metaphorical ears bleeding. Or eyes, in this case, as I was typing.
Also I am obsessed with orange juice. Happens every so often.
And I clipped my fingernails reeeally short - like just short of bleeding - and painted them that's-not-black-it's-dark-purple.
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Shiny Things!
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Captive... captivated
This afternoon, I was taken out and was bought a watch. (For my birthday.) I did some study, went for a very quiet dinner at the cousins', and after that, when it was cool enough to use my computer (as opposed to the grandparents') I tore my hair out a little trying to nut out how to blend skintones for the Sims2. By the way, I need a new computer - the current one dislikes immensely being asked to do anything at above 25 degrees celsius, or at any temperature, anything requiring ordinary amounts of RAM. Which kind of sucks. Mainly because there's no way I'm getting a new computer, so looks like I shall be doing stuff a) at a snail's pace, b) after dark, or c) on someone else's computer. Of course, the whole situation will be greatly improved by my going home in a week or so, where the temperature won't rise above 25 degrees until February. Mary says I should ask for one for my birthday, but somehow I can't see my folks giving me an 2000 dollar laptop for my 21st...
Tomorrow afternoon, I am being taken out by an aunt and bought something else for my birthday. I'm quite looking forward to it.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Sunday School was lovely today - my students insisted we read the Bible story three times (there was a game involved in the telling, and they all wanted to be Paul.) I wasn't about to say, no, we cannot read the Bible at Sunday School, so we kept doing it, which was a) fun and b) kind of sweaty and exhausting, because it was so humid and hot today.
Tomorrow, I shall post a parcel, vacuum my room, and study. Ah, the quiet life :)
Saturday, 3 November 2007
Things I have Learned Today:
- It's really hard to lurk in a forum when your friend from another forum keeps sending you PMs saying things like, "I seeeeeee you..."
- If you don't clean your room for a couple months, it gets dusty. You can't actually see the dust while the room is messy, but when you clean up it will make you sneeze, stick to your feet in an uncomfortable crust, and give you a headache.
- Even the people you admire have times when they feel like nothing they make or do is any good, but also, this feeling always passes.
- The first season of the Powerpuff Girls is better than I remember.
- This lady would probably make my mum laugh.
- On the other hand, you have different fingers, and if the world didn't suck, we would all fall off.
Friday, 2 November 2007
Also a Batman plushie. I knew it had been a good night when I woke up the next morning, still clutching my plushie.
Thursday, 1 November 2007
Catching Up
I enrolled for next semester's uni courses this morning, in an incredibly painful forty-five minute session in their online enrolment doover. I groaned, I wailed, I said "bugger." Not fun, kids.
My friends had a baby yesterday. Squee much? I went and bought him a book, and I'll probably mail it to them tomorrow, even though there is no way he'll be wanting to read it in the next two weeks before I get home and see them in person. It's a very cute book about puppy dogs. Also bought my littlest sister's Christmas pressie, but must be all shh on that front because it is a secret.
I'm hurriedly finishing this up now, because in about five minutes people will arrive to take me to Halloween at Movie World. Despite the fact that Halloween was actually yesterday. I'm sure it will be fun nonetheless. As far as I know, and despite my aunt's crazy schemes, we're not going costumed. Thank goodness.
Ooh, before I go, here be the cutest website in the world - the eLouai Doll Maker. I maded some dolls. It's addictive.
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Monday, 22 October 2007
Not dead. (well, just a little.)
Friday, 19 October 2007
My Huckleberry Friend
Also, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a decent picture of the Tiffany's windows? Very hard indeed, as it turns out. You wouldn't think so, but it is. Oh well.
I forgot to say yesterday, I went to see Evan Almighty with relatives. It wasn't too bad. Well, towards the end they were trying to tell us that the reason God sent a devastating worldwide flood was so Noah could spend more time with his family, which I don't think is quite right. Plus it trivialises the Ark story to an insane degree. Still, there are nice moments. Like when Evan is outlining his plan for his life to "god", and god falls into helpless laughter. "Sorry... 'your plan'..." Eh. Plus it is good for some kind of understanding of just how crazy people must have thought Noah was.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
mmmm.... math
Monday, 15 October 2007
But goodness gracious I'm getting sick of the trailer for Fred Claus. Feels like I've seen it about seventeen times. Ugh. Still, there were new trailers today - 10,000 B.C. which was a pretty boring preview, something about the Loch Ness Monster which looked too cutesy, and Mr Magorian's somethingarather which looked pretty cool.
I love movie trailers.
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Friday, 12 October 2007
Lazy Friday
Spent five or six hours working on one picture for the final round of a sims 2 contest. Hopefully the rest of them won't be so time consuming, but that seems likely as none of the others will involve constructing chain-mail underwear from pictures of swatches in photoshop.
Also reading more of Lirael and also the first volume of the Jack of Fables TPB. So, good day.
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Er, I have come back to talk to you once more
Did dinner at the cousins' on Tuesday night. That was fun - watched 'em play the Sims Bustin' Out on PS2, watched Epic Movie (crapfest) and Clockwork Orange.
Did huge amounts of tedious prep for a workshop presentation thingy at uni, which was today. It went off though, so all was worth it.
Am re-reading Garth Nix's Old Kingdom Trilogy - done Sabriel, halfway through Lirael. They are such awesome books. Anyone who can bring a new feel or new perspective to the fantasy genre gets my tick of approval, and people like Garth Nix and Isobelle Carmody who do it every time they start a story - well, I am in awe. Gives me hope in a world full of Harry Potters and Eragons.
Monday, 8 October 2007
Odd (in a good way)
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Cool thing!
Friday, 5 October 2007
Good things
Work is done, and it's playtime, so I'm off to the Sims2.
Thursday, 4 October 2007
I was thinking today, for no particular reason, of songs I'd like played at my funeral. Morbid, huh. The list:
- Amazing Grace, preferably with bagpipes
- Because He Lives
- Before the Throne of God Above
- Listen to my Prayer, Lord (Bec's version)
- Into the West (yes, from LOTR. It's my funeral, and I'll fangirl if I want to.)
As far as I know, I'm not dying anytime soon. But it's good to have these things sorted out.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
I'm posting a lot today, huh.
Monday, 1 October 2007
Bleagh - Grr - Squee!
Last night at church we sang "Recieve the Glory." Which is fair impressive, for my dark-ages church. So yeah, they're pretty game. We even sang all the verses! (ie, both of them.) Chopping verses out of hymns is one of my pet hates. Grr.
Bestest. Lolcats. Ever: i can has cheeseburger? Squee!
Friday, 28 September 2007
Thursday, 27 September 2007
A Little More Stardust
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
wisdom, and kidnappings
I'm back from being kidnapped! No worse for wear, except I watched Eragon (..ghh. The books were bad enough in the first place.) But also saw Ratatouille! Which is really good and kinda gross, in the way that most truly excellent stuff for kids is. Which isn't totally unexpected, coming from the director of The Iron Giant, which is one of my very favourite movies of ever. Except I was really underwhelmed by the Incredibles, which was the other thing Brad Bird did.
Anyway, shopping with the shopping-obsessed cousin was welly fun, watching old X-Men cartoons with all three cousins was shiny too, except I can't out-comic-geek the eldest one. But that's kinda refreshing in itself. Plus, we all gossiped about my sister.
Then on to dinner at other cousins, for more gossiping about my sister, being flogged at Dance Dance Revolution, arts and crafts, hats (a Bunnings hat with aforementioned arts and crafts stuck to it, and a hard hat which was my DDR lucky hat) jumping on the trampoline of death, and running around giggling. Also cream buns.
Someone tell Rach that after she told me to, I tried the Showtime/Fun Fair Skittles or whatever they're called, and she's right, they are very yummy. The popcorn flavour ones are the best!
And... Dun Dun Dah... I HAS GETTIN MOAR INTERNETS!!11!oneone1!
(so I don't have to trek into uni every day of the holidays to work on my assignments, and poor Grandma and Grandpa can use the internet too.)
Sunday, 23 September 2007
The google "word of the day" is daiquiri. Which made me grin as I cannot but think of Nanny Ogg and her banananana dakrys from Terry Pratchett's Witches Abroad, which is a book I'm quite fond of.
Have spent the weekend engrossed in my English assignment. Let us say no more of that.
Time not spent engrossed in English has been spent in marvellous books. I'm about halfway into Neil Stephenson's Quicksilver, which is quite a feat as the book is about the size of two bricks. It's very good, spanning England, the Continent, and the Colonies, with people like Issaac Newton and Charles the Second running around.
I'm also about three-quarters of the way through After Dark, by Haruki Murakami, because I read all of his stuff I can get my hands on. It's compulsive reading, with that strange dichotomy of dreamlikeness and sensibility he does so well.
I finished The Man who was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton last week, not sure if I told you all about that one. Seriously awesome roller-coaster of a book and also hilarious. I like Chesterton's sense of humour :)
So. I'm being kidnapped this afternoon, so shall bid the farewell.
Friday, 21 September 2007
I see Stardust
Yesterday, I went to see Stardust! Err, twice.
It was good enough the first time to make me want to see it again in short order, and I liked it even better the second time. Robert DeNiro was *awesome*, and I’m kind of in love with Charlie Cox, and all in all, it’s a funny, cute movie that y’all should go see.
(Paragraph has very low level *spoilers*) There were only two things from the book I missed, and it wasn’t the tree or the Lion/Unicorn battle. It was Yvaine’s very quiet profane reaction to being knocked out of the heavens, and the fact that Tristan didn’t free her from the silver chain willingly (if stupidly.) But if that’s the price to be paid for all the good new stuff, so be it.
If there’s any way of managing it, I prefer to go to the cinema alone. In spite or perhaps because of this, I love watching other movie-goers, and the people who saw Stardust were fascinating. The folk at the Regent in the morning were an interesting bunch (like the red-corseted girl who juggled plastic rings in the theatre waiting for the show to start, and *aww* the three generations of women from the same family who came along together,) but the people at Garden City in the evening were more fun. They were the ones who laughed in all the right places. Judging by both screenings, Stardust is the Gay Teen Date Movie of Choice (unless it has become the fashion for all teenage boys to wander around in pairs holding hands.) And you know how when you walk into a movie there might be a bunch of pensioners, or a bunch of twenty-something couples, or a bunch of teenagers in packs, or a bunch of families with kids? Stardust had no ‘or.’ Probably the most demographic-crossing movie crowd I’ve seen.
The trailers were cruddy (Fred Claus, Enchanted, something with the Rock) except the Golden Compass, which I’d be going to see even if the Fabulist didn’t say it was cool, and one of my favourite artists wasn’t doing conceptual work for it. I think I may pick up the books sometime between now and December, also.
I think I might go again next week sometime :)
Monday, 17 September 2007
Mean Reds
Da da da! Your problems are over. The cure - go walk around David Jones for a half hour. It's a very calming department store. The lighting feels golden, and you're not tempted to spend money because you can't afford anything anyway. The piped music isn't all that excreble, and if you don't look posh the staff don't bother you. Heaven :)
Holly Golightly had Tiffany's. I have David Jones.
Sunday, 16 September 2007
The Face that Launched a Thousand Ships
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Am falling-asleep zombie girl right now. Goodnight.
Stuff of today(ish)
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Today, of all days
Handed in maths games, and early indications are that I've done reasonably well on them.
Was zombie-like throughout the day, split a sushi lunchbox for lunch, drew a harlequin buccaneer instead of listening in the english lecture.
Came home, washed my face, went to tea at the cousins'. Which was nice. They-all were tired to, so we're having an early night.
I've got about two pages left in Thursbitch, which is what I'm reading right now. (It's kind of like Krispy Kreme donuts: underwhelming at first taste but compulsively addictive. Except not trashy.) I'm prolly going to finish it before I sleep. Next book is Lian Hearn's The Harsh Cry of the Heron, which I promised myself I wouldn't steal from my cousin 'till the midterm round of assessment was done. And now it is, so I have stolen it... hehe.
Monday, 10 September 2007
I has finished the maths games!
Heck, you can have all five of them for your very own if you want :) (That's a zipped file uploaded to Zoomshare, fyi)
Saturday, 8 September 2007
Friday, 7 September 2007
Maths Games again
There are 15 animals in the barnyard. Some are cows and some are chickens. I counted 38 legs in all. How many animals are cows?
There are 16 animals in the barnyard. Some are cows and some are chickens. I counted 42 legs in all. How many animals are chickens?
There are 17 animals in the barnyard. Some are cows and some are chickens. I counted 46 legs in all. How many animals are cows?
By Tuesday, I shall surely have gone mad.
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Books and Movies
I went to the library and put a bunch of books on hold - I haven't read anything not uni-related or on a computer screen for much to long, which is unlike me. So after hurriedly scribbling down Susanna "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell" Clarke's list of favourite books and "If you liked this then try" from somewhere, I went looking for them. (One was actally on shelf - a rarity for my hopeless library - it's called Thursbitch, and the first chapter is interesting so far.)
Hopefully by the time I hand in my maths games on Tuesday, there'll be a book or two waiting for me at the library.
The Empire magazine Stardust verdict: Starbust. I was sad.
But then, they gave that Earthsea movie four stars, and I really wanted to like that movie but it deserved two and a half at best. So one never does know.
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
It's Windsday, Rabbit!
What I am worried about: Maths Games. The physical deadening in the pit of my stomach has arrived as of yesterday, and I'm not expecting it to leave 'til Tuesday when I hand the games in.
Happier: The Fabulist has a mix tape. New music to get excited about!
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Secondly, Will Eisner was referenced in my English Ed tutorial this arvo. That's never happened before, and I rather doubt it will again. Pretty cool. Am inspired to add some Spirit stuff (and, incidentally, Tintin) to my unit of work on detectives and detective stories.
More on Stardust: check out today's post at Neil Gaiman for some awesomeness from the "Stormhold Tourism Board."
Monday, 3 September 2007
Monday agains
a) we should be studying for Wednesday's math exam, and
b) we were going to Garden City instead.
So we did. We looked in bookshops. It was fun.
The rest of the day was consumed by maths games. Bleh.
Saturday, 1 September 2007
Friday, 31 August 2007
Bat for Lashes
I'm slowly becoming enamoured of Bat for Lashes. See awesome video clip above.
Feels kind of like a dodgy horror film, but made with good sense and good humour.
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Look! It's Alleliua!
I won a sims2 competition! Go me! I had completely convinced myself I was going to place last.
(That's my avi as proof.) This is my fave pic from the entry, except the one in the top right of this page. And let me tell you, I'm proud. It took some photoshoppin', especially her waist and feet. (Hopefully you can't see it, though.)
I desperately want to see Once which is out in cinemas today - I've had some music from it on my MP3 player for months which I really like - but I'm too poor. So I'll have to wait a whole week and pray it doesn't disappear.
Monday, 27 August 2007
long day but ok
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Getting ready for stuff
1. Pestering my dad for the midis and PowerPoint files.
2. Making sure the midis match up with the PowerPoints, everything has the same chorus/verse arrangement, etc.
3. Re-recording the midi files as mp3, using a program that basically records whatever comes out of your computer speakers.
4. Turning the PPts into overheads (it's like travelling backward in time, I swear.)
5. Printing out OH masters to be photocopied onto transparencies.
6. Burning mp3 tracks to CD.
7. Writing what's on the CD on the CD and jewel case.
So that's what I did.
Incidentally, did you know that there are like four hundred different versions of Arky Arky (Rise and Shine)? Every site I went to looking for lyrics had a different set, and some were, well, odd. Animals in threesies with chimpanzeesies? I don't think so. Really.
Also I did some math. Math is delicious.
Friday, 24 August 2007
What I have been Doing
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Wet and Bedraggled
I forgot the one dollar bag of popcorn for my English presentation this morning - left it at home on the bedroom floor - so had to run (really, run) from uni to the shops a half hour before our presentation started and spend eight dollars on more. Because if I went to Woolies there was not a chance I was getting back in time, but Kernels was empty. As it happened, I made it back with five minutes grace. Phew.
Longest. Twenty-five. Minutes. Of my life.
Aaaand my umbrella broke. Because today God's gift of rain came wrapped in cyclonesque winds.
(Sorry. I was boring yesterday and today I've just complained. Promise I'll do better tomorrow.)
Monday, 20 August 2007
err, nothing much
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Sunday School Machinations
a) doubly determined to be useful and do Stuff, and
b) really daggy.
Also was disappointed that we only got to sing three verses of a hymn in the middle of the service this morning. It was "Come We That Love The Lord" (I think that's what it's called,) which has the chorus that starts "we're marching to Zion" and is awesome. By the end of three verses you're barely warmed up. But our pastor wanted the extra sermon time, and the sermon was really good, so, I mean, one can't have everything. Oh well.
The guy who runs some stuff at our church has got me doing a talking thing at their VBS meeting because I did wintery decorations for my home church's VBS last year, and they're doing an Arctic theme.
The assessment thing is starting to happen at uni. Bleargh.
Also, my grandparents are buying a car. Go figure.
Saturday, 18 August 2007
a note and a picture
Friday, 17 August 2007
The Bayeux tapestry
Yay for history.
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Monkey on the lam
As of last Thursday when I finished reading Eric, I've read every single one of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, from The Colour of Magic to Wintersmith. There's over thirty, so it feels like an achievement.
Also, random Sims skills are relevant to the real world: taking good screencaps and knowing about online file-hosting are both going to be very useful for my next assignment (a group presentation on digital stories.)
Monday, 13 August 2007
Friday, 10 August 2007
May who is not a vampire
I was aiming to make a vampire, but that didn't work out.
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Brain, come back... please...
I studied for four hours this morning, but only actually studied for about two. The rest of the time I was looking up Regina Spektor lyrics and thinking about making a Rose Walker sim. (My conclusions: I really, really want the Soviet Kitsch album, and will have to learn to recolour sim hair.)
Then this afternoon I missed the bus stop for uni. It's a really obvious bus stop that I've never ever missed. I wasn't even on the wrong bus.
When I actually got to uni, and got into my tute, I had a minor panic attack because everyone was already in groups for our group assessment task, and I didn't have a group. Except I did. I signed up in the first week.
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Today I did
Dinner was nice, good to see everyone. Then everyone wandered off and I watched Firefly until it was convenient for me to be dropped home. I love spending quality time with folk, but if folk have other things to do I'm happy to spend quality time with the cable tv. But it was really great to chat to everyone for a couple hours.
Monday, 6 August 2007
Much Uni Today...
Also a little bit of Stardusty goodness.
Sunday, 5 August 2007
not good with women, apparently
Which Serenity Character Are You?
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Amazing Sizzler
Strangely and hilariously, they played the trailer for Evan Almighty before the flick. Go figure. Looks like a mildly fun movie though.
Also went to Sizzler for the cousin's birthday, which was entertaining. My taller cousin has Jesus hair but not in a cool way. Sizzler has artichokes, hurray! and also jalapenos and coffee. Birthday cousin and I spent much time laughing quietly at the ridiculousness of his brother's conversations. Grandma bailed someone up for calling her a 'nanna' not a 'grandma.' Good time had by all, in fact.
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Magazines and other things.
Today I went to a math lecture and mailed a birdy present (that's birthday present in sane people language) and tomorrow it's Cousin's birdy so we're goin to tea.
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Math is delicious
Today was a long day at uni. Many many hours, three of them lectures/tutes for a subject that doesn't make much sense and everyone wants to argue about. Which should count as at least six hours, I feel. I was so sick of it I made a pretty picture instead of doing the readings. I'll do 'em tomorrow when I'm less grumpy about the whole shebang.
On the bright side, since my tutor showed us, I am vair vair smart (as Kat would say) and can do year eleven algebra. Multiplying and dividing... er... polynomials I think. Sweet huh. Someone had the bright idea of laying it out in an array so I can see the problem. Even negative numbers give me no pause, mwah hah ha.
That's enough bragging for now.
Pretty Picture:
Monday, 30 July 2007
Penguin hehe
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Friday, 27 July 2007
Spider-pig, spider-pig...
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Grandma's a bit sick, got a buggy thing. Not good. So am putting my spectacular hunter/gatherer skills to use and feeding myself. Which I am rather ashamed to say, mostly involves subsisting entirely on toast and rice crackers. And orange juice. If I bought some pot ramen I could live like any other uni student...
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Monday, 23 July 2007
But no. I get: University.
Which was not completely un-fun, what with the seeing people, and the thing where your brain actually has something to do for a change, and the coffee. I was like totally wired for two hours after espresso. The kind of wired where you say to people things like "Yes. No. Wait, yes. No, wait, I just did that." Hmm, or the kind of wired where you use the phrase "like, totally."
The general Mathiness of Math was a downside, but on the upside, there was geometry, which is practically art (especially in primary school.) When your assignments are on stuff like the Golden Mean and symmetry, life ain't too bad.
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Church etc.
Saturday, 21 July 2007
All About Harry
As for the book itself, I'm not too sure, other than Woot-woot-Neville-yay and err... if that's going to be your epilogue, why even bother? and Teddy-squee and the fact that not one of the deaths in the book was given the respect it deserved. (Paragraph designed to contain few spoilers but also, unfortunately, completely lacking in any kind of sense to those who haven't read the book.) It's a bit of a pity that Jo Rowling stopped writing books after about number four or five and started writing movie treatments. But still, I laughed out loud and sobbed and gasped and read with a hand over my mouth and was properly grumpy when people tried to distract me for no good reason. (I was not grumpy at Grandma, who had a good reason.)
And, really, by the seventh book a series will probably be flagging.
The Last Battle, anyone?
Friday, 20 July 2007
She's Baaaack...
Reading Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton, which I got at Koorong yesterday (11 dollars! Yay cheapness!) It's rather challenging and occasionally hilarious, which are both good things. Read Terry Pratchett's Wintersmith yesterday. I was on the holds queue at the library for ten months, and knocked the book over in five hours, but it was good nevertheless.
Tomorrow I'm reading... can you guess?
a) The Ultimate Guide to V8 Supercars
b) Watching Paint Dry and Other Amusing Hobbies (Possibly to do with Gardening)
c) Girly Girly Bad Chick-Lit
d) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Judging by the fact that last night I went out to The Big Shops to buy the most expensive piece of dark blue paper with stars on that I've ever owned, but that's okay because tomorrow they're going to let me swop it for Harry, I'd probably go with d).
Not that there's anything wrong with V8 supercars, paint, or gardening.
(Bad chick-lit is bad chick-lit, I'm afraid.)
Friday, 6 July 2007
Friday, 29 June 2007
Stuff I have been Doing
Other than that, I have been doing random things like listening to Regina Spektor and Mika while cleaning the kitchen most mornings, (I am all-of-a-sudden re-obsessed with Regina Spektor) and reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader because I'm kind of supposed to be writing a VBS (vacation bible school) program around it right now, but I can't figure out what we need to teach these kids from it, so also praying about that, and I'm up to about question 73 or 74 on the Impossible Quiz, and I'm turning into a Harry Potter conspiracy theorist (I'm completely convinced Aberforth Dumbledore is the barman at the Hog's Head, and almost completely convinced Mundungus Fletcher has at least one Horcrux in his posession.) Also I found a necklace I need to buy. And today I'm getting a haircut.
I looooove being on holidays.
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Rassum frassum right hand turns...
(It wasn't that bad really.)
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Things I did yesterday
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers was good fun; I sat through it with the biggest stupid grin on my face.
And cooking in the evening was mainly all right, except for icky-sticky jam drop mixture, and a chocolate caramel slice that shall be known henceforth as Disaster Slice. (The caramel didn't set.)
Friday, 22 June 2007
Bless your beautiful hide
Tomorrow is full of cooking, ministry conference, and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, not necessarily in that order. Should be well shiny, yay!
Went to bible study tonight. Man oh man have I missed bible study. The one in QLD died toward the end of last year, and I've been without one for three months or so - the uni semester. But now I'm home and, my, does it feel good. I mean, I do the church and the devo things, but you really NEED Bible Study, don't ya? I muchly do.
My brothers are just home from the basketball and will be psycho. Yuk.
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
indie indie coffee coffee
My sister and I have been looking at hideously expensive indie design baby paraphernalia from all around the web, mainly using indie fixx as a bouncing-off point and spiralling ever onward through various linkages. (We're looking because our friend is expecting, not because we're random and strange. Although we are random and strange.)
Tomorrow I'm looking forward to having my first coffee at my fave coffee place at home, where I haven't had a coffee for months and months because I've been in the good old QL of D. Yay coffee!
My sister and I made donuts tonight. They were yummy.
Monday, 18 June 2007
End of Construction
" I saw a sign on a strip of highway once that I would like to have copied on my gravestone. It said, 'End of construction. Thankyou for your patience.' "
It's from Ruth Bell Graham, wife of Billy, who passed away quite recently. Good reminder that God's changing us every day we wake up in this world.
Saturday, 16 June 2007
love gonna get you down
My sisters and I have been dancing around to this song all morning - it's pop, and seriously good pop at that. Mika is hella shiny!
Friday, 15 June 2007
Mostly okay trip, except the egg (that's my suitcase, named for its hard shell, smooth curves, and extreme fragility) got cracked in transit - again. This was the replacement egg I got after Quantas killed the last one, and they did it again. This time I'm prepared to just let it go and not worry about another one. Time for a new suitcase, one that can withstand the burly (I'm assuming they're burly) domestic baggage handlers.
Also, the airport coffee was foul. Bleagh.
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
I am the cleaning NINJA!
Monday, 11 June 2007
masquerade madness
Sunday, 10 June 2007
tiny tiny tarts
Saturday, 9 June 2007
just Sims 2 snapshots
100 100 100
And a slightly fuzzy picture showing how adorable my clock looks in a hat.
Friday, 8 June 2007
Friday Things
I heart winter so so much.
Have finished assignment, but forgot integral pen-to-write-on-the-CD, so I'm stuck here till the bookshop opens at 2. Then I'll hand it in and go home and only have a science exam and freaky airport dreams to worry about.
I spent a very happy half hour last night playing the Impossible Quiz. So far I can only get to about question 52, though.
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Overcast and Nightmaring
Nothing much happening my-ways, just assignmenting and Simming and reading-Harry-Pottering. My toddler twin sims grew up last night, and they make for very cute kiddies. The boy looks rather effeminate. I want to take piccies if I get enough of the behavior management assignment done first. I've got time to kill till nine-thirty tonight - stupid Channel Seven putting Heroes on before Lost rassum frassum.
I've had bad dreams about being stuck in Tullamarine Airport twice this week. Dreams about running from one end of the place to the other, sorting out baggage and flights and broken suitcases and delays - like all the worst airport experiences I've ever had put together. I'm not sure why. Usually if something is freaking me out, I lose sleep over it, rather than nightmaring. Also not sure why the whole thing is troubling me in the first place - I'm not expecting to have any difficulties, and even if I do in my experience the airplane people are pretty nice about fixing them up - either it's because I did actually end up missing my transfer and losing my luggage last time, or because I'm flying Rex the second leg of my journey this time, after I've had a year or two to get comfortable with O'Connor.
Sometimes I hate how the littlest things can throw me for a loop.
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Rainy Rain
Also realised that it's actually been three months since I started blogging, not two. Man this semester went by fast.
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
I love it when it really rains.
a random little chat about clothes and films.
So today was the day I finally went to see Pirates. It was better than the last one, but I'm not sure it needed three whole hours. The bit in the whirlpool was good. Also, Orlando Bloom's role could have been played with more flair and aplomb by a sock puppet, but then all the preteen girly-types would get mad.
The thing I love about summer (well, winter here) blockbusters are the big-budget trailers, but I didn't get to see anything wonderful. Just a Harry Potter trailer that made me go 'wow, that was confusing' and a Transformers trailer that managed to make Transformers look about as fun and exciting as a movie about tax returns, which is really a sad state of affairs.
I saw a skinny girl in Queen Street wearing a full-on corset. I sighed and wished that I could wear a corset without looking like the kind of fat girl that wears corsets. Drastic weight loss is really my only option, which is a depressing thought to have after scoffing take-away for dinner.
Monday, 4 June 2007
word, work
Have finished writing the Introduction and Rationale for this art assignment. Which basically means I've done all the work. Another hour and I'll have it knocked over and e-mailed off. Which will be nice.
Communion yesterday. My church up here only has communion quarterly; it's so nice when it does finally come around. At home it's monthly, which is really nice, alternating between morning and evening services. Good to be able to share communion at my home church more than once a year, which is what it would be if they did the quarterly thing as well. Good to be reminded a little more often - I don't think about Him as much as I should.
Saturday, 2 June 2007
mmm... lazy saturday
Tomorrow will get down to the serious business of cleaning my room. At the moment it's only River Tam walking in there - if you don't move elegantly, like a dancer, feeling your way, carefully placing the balls of your feet, you hear crunch and have broken something, or you slip on something, or you stub your toe. Which I can just about live with - I've tolerated it for the last fortnight or so. But today I needed to go out and had a one shoe bonanza. One runner, one sandshoe, two thongs (both left). I had two ballet flats, one for each foot even, but one was black and the other was gold and sparkly.
I am going to clean my room. And find all my shoes. And put them away.
Friday, 1 June 2007
Thursday, 31 May 2007
elephantine, flummery
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Forgot Something Again...
Last night, I woke up (after being asleep) terrified that my sister had been asphyxiating herself, oil-painting with turps holed up in her room for hours on end. The facts, as I saw them, were:
- It's freezing cold and raining all the time at the moment, where my folks live.
- My sister spends all her time in her room when she's not on the computer. She does all her painting in her room.
- My sister's room is likely to be all shut up against the aforementioned cold, and is not really well-ventilated at the best of times.
- My sister was all excited about doing oil painting for the first time.
- Mineral turpentine is integral to oil painting, and should not be used in unventilated areas.
Facts that unfortunately did not occur to me:
- I love mineral turpentine with a fierce, longing love. My sister has never shown any indication she feels the same way.
- Just because I'm dumb enough to give myself migraines via low ventilation does not mean my sister is.
- My sister is not an idiot.
- Even if she did hole herself up in her room with the fumes and make herself sick, she'd never do it again. Never never three days in a row.
So I tried to ring her. Then when her phone was turned off, I sent her a text message three text messages long about the dangers of turps fumes.
She definitely is sitting at home, thinking I'm a psycho.
I'm a psycho.
Grandparents: run away, run away
I was okay. Am hoping I shan't crash and burn too badly tomorrow.
Am beginning to suspect I may be able to do this teaching dealie, eventually, with practice.
It's a God thing.
My tally is up to 8 cans of V energy drink disgustingness (4 sugar-free, 4 with sugar in), but only 3 cups of coffee.
Two days to go. Am teaching all day tomorrow.
Got the letter with all my aeroplane flying details, so now I've got my trip home all sorted. Home! Hooray! For a month!!!!!
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
not christmas
Monday, 28 May 2007
and I forgot
Garfield was wrong...
Have so far consumed 1.5 coffees and 2 cans of V energy disgustingness (Student: I love that lemonade. It makes me hyper.) Am expecting tally to escalate as the week progresses.
Tomorrow am teaching all day and so far, I'm not terrified. Which may be a bad sign, Tuesdays so far for me have all been about a false sense of security.
Sunday, 27 May 2007
Saturday, 26 May 2007
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
no one was interested, but anyway
I am at my wits' end as to how to keep a cardboard spaceship in one piece - have gone out this afternoon and bought a twelve-dollar roll of gaffa tape, and if that doesn't do the trick I shall be vexed. (I spelt gaffa like that because that's what it says on the packet. Otherwise I'd have spelt it gaffer. Odd.)
The new Stardust Movie site is up, with enough shiny new things to make waiting for September really hard. It looks to me like Inspector Lynley is going to be Dunstan Thorne, but it could just be an uncanny resemblance in my head.
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
beginning of the rest of my prac
Tomorrow will be a good day. I promise.
Sunday, 20 May 2007
please not trepidation
Quite a large part of me wants to make it the teacher's fault. Which is definitely not the case. So I just have to remember to say how I feel and not blame her because she's not to blame. It's all yukky.
Am trying to have impeccable preparation and lesson planning, so at least they can't fault me for that. And we'll see how I go.
Had a great Sunday School lesson today, and Heather F rang this afternoon and we chatted, which was good. I needed a teacher's view.
People keep telling me they're praying.
Hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight.
God can do this.
Saturday, 19 May 2007
Keeping on Going
Friday, 18 May 2007
Alleliua is a crappy teacher
I've been classified as 'at risk' on my practicum interim report. Which is bad. And it feels stupid, because I've been nervous and unsettled and not doing things I know to do. So am spending weekend working my butt off trying to do all the things my prac teacher says I need to do. And when I do them she'll point out a bunch of other things I haven't done. She doesn't seem to like telling me about what I should be doing until I haven't done it. Oh well. I'm just sad because I thought I could do this. I thought I was good at it. But I'm trying and trying and she's still worried, and I just can't seem to get things right.
Plus I have a cold. I'm going to bed.
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Going to Bed Now
Monday, 14 May 2007
wellity wellity wellity
Prep is doing the letter 'a' this week, as in 'a says a-a-a'. Tomorrow I'm doing an activity with them, so I think we'll be astronauts, and moonwalk around a big letter A on the floor. I have the Star Wars theme at the ready. Much more difficult to find is a sound effect with a countdown and rocket blastoff, for free on the net. So eventually I settled for just a rocket blastoff, and we'll D.I.Y countdown.
Saturday, 12 May 2007
otherwise known as Skuzz
But the girls from the singing group outdid themselves, and the food was well yummy, and the customers seemed to enjoy themselves (customers isn't the right word, but I can't think of what is.) And the lady it was held to benefit, I think, benefited. So that was all okay.
Even so, I'm sure one of the circles of hell is a garden party.
Thursday, 10 May 2007
the mother of all parties...
My phone is not currently recieving text messages, which would not normally be a problem, but of course whenever my phone is out of commission everyone wants to talk to me. I should get to be nearly popular in the month it will take me to save for a new phone.
Tomorrow my prac supervisor from uni comes out for a meet-and-greet, which I'm a little apprehensive about, considering I've been doing too much actual work to get a lot of the rubbishy paperwork done. Oh well. I'll see how I go.
This week in the evenings after dinner and before 8:30 or so, I've read the first and last volumes of Dave Sim's Cerebus. The first was considerably more fun than the last. Gigantically more fun, really. I'm not even sure why I read the last one, actually.
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
just me wittering on again
I got stickers at the cheapo shop today, hippo ones that say 'Hip Hip Hooray' and dinosaur ones that say 'Dino-mite.' They are for Sunday School - the children's church type thingy at the beginning, not in my class. My Sunday School class this week is the story of Naaman, as told with red sticky dots and a spray bottle of water.
Prac was good. I know nearly everyone's name in my class, and all the troublemakers from the other Prep as well, which comes in handy. Generally they are the names you need to call out in a stern voice.
Also, yesterday I bought glitter hairspray.
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Spider-mania reigns in the prep classroom at the moment. Four-year-old children are telling me about Norman Osborne's brutal demise. None of them have even seen the third movie, but the first two have been on telly over the last couple of weekends, and they've all seen the movie promos around the place. They run around and one of them is black Spiderman and one of them is red Spiderman and one of them is Hobgoblin and, generally, one of them is a tiger.
Monday, 7 May 2007
catches theives, just like flies
Sunday, 6 May 2007
Tops Again
Today is the opposite. Had to do a Sunday School thing on the fly, and survived (with Joel's help) - I'm going to be an excellent teacher, hooray. But that could just be the adrenaline speaking.
Our student pastor did a children's talk with shoes this morning, that I immediately wanted to steal. I'd love to do it as a team talk with my sister, actually. Between us we could come up with a reasonably entertaining variety of shoes...
Saturday, 5 May 2007
whew. it's over
So after I handed that one in, I felt completely ready for something fun. So I went to see Tales from Earthsea at the Dendy - that's the new Studio Ghibli film, which unfortunately rates somewhere down in the Pom Poko doldrums for me. So disappointing, after Howl and Spirited Away. Not that it was bad - it just wasn't excellent. And I've read the books - I have a sneaking suspicion it's a lot less fun if you haven't. It didn't entirely make sense as it was.
But the ending wasn't entirely un-awesome.
Oh well.