um. so. two Good Days in a row. Am terrified, and will now run away and hide under the bed, or at least I would if it wasn't quite so crowded with boxes and suitcases and shoes and dust bunnies and such. Teacher said this was the best day I've ever had. Have got a terrible sensation of impending doom re: tomorrow, although I don't know how bad it could really be - we're making gingerbread men. Yumm. Speaking of, here are some donuts I didn't eat this afternoon except for one. 
And here is a tower made of blocks.

And also I got an assignment back with an A+ grade. So, in all, good days. (That's plural because I got the assignment back yesterday.)
Must ask my mum very sweetly to book some driving lessons for me now that I know when I'm going home.
La la la.
Well, this is a real answer to prayer. Thank you, Jesus!
amen :)
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