Friday 19 October 2007

My Huckleberry Friend

Howdy. Today I have "Moon River" stuck in my head. Possibly because I've spent the day dressing my self-sim up as Holly Golightly for a Halloween contest. It's fairly amazing sometimes how much custom content there is out there for the Sims2. And then, of course, it's always fairly worrying how much of that custom content there is on my computer...

Also, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a decent picture of the Tiffany's windows? Very hard indeed, as it turns out. You wouldn't think so, but it is. Oh well.

I forgot to say yesterday, I went to see Evan Almighty with relatives. It wasn't too bad. Well, towards the end they were trying to tell us that the reason God sent a devastating worldwide flood was so Noah could spend more time with his family, which I don't think is quite right. Plus it trivialises the Ark story to an insane degree. Still, there are nice moments. Like when Evan is outlining his plan for his life to "god", and god falls into helpless laughter. "Sorry... 'your plan'..." Eh. Plus it is good for some kind of understanding of just how crazy people must have thought Noah was.

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